1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
//! Contains common definitions for GELF codec support
use std::sync::LazyLock;
use regex::Regex;
use vrl::owned_value_path;
use vrl::path::OwnedTargetPath;
/// GELF Message fields. Definitions from <>.
pub mod gelf_fields {
/// (not a field) The latest version of the GELF specification.
pub const GELF_VERSION: &str = "1.1";
/// (required) GELF spec version
pub const VERSION: &str = "version";
/// (required) The name of the host, source or application that sent this message.
pub const HOST: &str = "host";
/// (required) A short descriptive message.
pub const SHORT_MESSAGE: &str = "short_message";
/// (optional) A long message that can i.e. contain a backtrace
pub const FULL_MESSAGE: &str = "full_message";
/// (optional) Seconds since UNIX epoch with optional decimal places for milliseconds.
/// SHOULD be set by client library. Will be set to the current timestamp (now) by the server if absent.
pub const TIMESTAMP: &str = "timestamp";
/// (optional) The level equal to the standard syslog levels. default is 1 (ALERT).
pub const LEVEL: &str = "level";
/// (optional) (deprecated) Send as additional field instead.
pub const FACILITY: &str = "facility";
/// (optional) (deprecated) The line in a file that caused the error (decimal). Send as additional field instead.
pub const LINE: &str = "line";
/// (optional) (deprecated) The file (with path if you want) that caused the error. Send as additional field instead.
pub const FILE: &str = "file";
// < Every field with an underscore (_) prefix will be treated as an additional field. >
/// GELF owned target paths.
pub(crate) struct GelfTargetPaths {
pub version: OwnedTargetPath,
pub host: OwnedTargetPath,
pub full_message: OwnedTargetPath,
pub level: OwnedTargetPath,
pub facility: OwnedTargetPath,
pub line: OwnedTargetPath,
pub file: OwnedTargetPath,
pub short_message: OwnedTargetPath,
/// Lazily initialized singleton.
pub(crate) static GELF_TARGET_PATHS: LazyLock<GelfTargetPaths> =
LazyLock::new(|| GelfTargetPaths {
version: OwnedTargetPath::event(owned_value_path!(gelf_fields::VERSION)),
host: OwnedTargetPath::event(owned_value_path!(gelf_fields::HOST)),
full_message: OwnedTargetPath::event(owned_value_path!(gelf_fields::FULL_MESSAGE)),
level: OwnedTargetPath::event(owned_value_path!(gelf_fields::LEVEL)),
facility: OwnedTargetPath::event(owned_value_path!(gelf_fields::FACILITY)),
line: OwnedTargetPath::event(owned_value_path!(gelf_fields::LINE)),
file: OwnedTargetPath::event(owned_value_path!(gelf_fields::FILE)),
short_message: OwnedTargetPath::event(owned_value_path!(gelf_fields::SHORT_MESSAGE)),
/// Regex for matching valid field names in the encoder. According to the original spec by graylog,
/// must contain only word chars, periods and dashes. Additional field names must also be prefixed
/// with an `_` , however that is intentionally omitted from this regex to be checked separately
/// to create a specific error message.
/// As Graylog itself will produce GELF with any existing field names on the Graylog GELF Output,
/// vector is more lenient, too, at least allowing the additional `@` character.
pub static VALID_FIELD_REGEX: LazyLock<Regex> =
LazyLock::new(|| Regex::new(r"^[\w\.\-@]*$").unwrap());