use clap::Parser;
use clap_verbosity_flag::{InfoLevel, Verbosity};
mod compose_tests;
macro_rules! cli_commands {
( :: $( $list:ident, )* :: mod $mod:ident, $( $rest:tt )* ) => {
mod $mod;
$crate::cli_commands! { :: $( $list, )* $mod, :: $( $rest )* }
( :: $( $list:ident, )* :: $mod:ident, $( $rest:tt )* ) => {
$crate::cli_commands! { :: $( $list, )* $mod, :: $( $rest )* }
( :: $( $mod:ident, )* :: ) => {
paste::paste! {
#[derive(clap::Subcommand, Debug)]
enum Commands {
$( [<$mod:camel>]($mod::Cli), )*
impl Cli {
pub fn exec(self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
match self.command {
$( Commands::[<$mod:camel>](cli) => cli.exec(), )*
( $( $rest:tt )+ ) => { $crate::cli_commands! { :: :: $( $rest )+ } };
macro_rules! cli_subcommands {
( $doc:literal $( $rest:tt )* ) => {
#[derive(clap::Args, Debug)]
#[doc = $doc]
pub(super) struct Cli {
command: Commands,
$crate::cli_commands! { $( $rest )* }
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
bin_name = "vdev",
infer_subcommands = true,
disable_help_subcommand = true,
after_help = r#"Environment variables:
$CONTAINER_TOOL Set the tool used to run containers (Defaults to autodetect)
Valid values are either "docker" or "podman".
pub struct Cli {
pub verbose: Verbosity<InfoLevel>,
command: Commands,
cli_commands! {
mod build,
mod check,
mod complete,
mod config,
mod crate_versions,
mod e2e,
mod exec,
mod features,
mod fmt,
mod info,
mod integration,
mod meta,
mod package,
mod release,
mod run,
mod status,
mod test,
mod test_vrl,
mod version,
macro_rules! script_wrapper {
( $mod:ident = $doc:literal => $script:literal ) => {
paste::paste! {
mod $mod {
#[doc = $doc]
#[derive(clap::Args, Debug)]
pub(super) struct Cli {
args: Vec<String>,
impl Cli {
pub(super) fn exec(self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
$crate::app::exec(concat!("scripts/", $script), self.args, true)