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//! Functionality to handle enrichment tables.
use crate::sinks::prelude::SinkConfig;
use enum_dispatch::enum_dispatch;
use vector_lib::configurable::configurable_component;
pub use vector_lib::enrichment::{Condition, IndexHandle, Table};
use crate::config::{EnrichmentTableConfig, GenerateConfig, GlobalOptions};
pub mod file;
#[cfg(feature = "enrichment-tables-memory")]
pub mod memory;
#[cfg(feature = "enrichment-tables-geoip")]
pub mod geoip;
#[cfg(feature = "enrichment-tables-mmdb")]
pub mod mmdb;
/// Configuration options for an [enrichment table]( to be used in a
/// [`remap`]( transform. Currently supported are:
/// * [CSV]( files
/// * [MaxMind]( databases
/// * In-memory storage
/// For the lookup in the enrichment tables to be as performant as possible, the data is indexed according
/// to the fields that are used in the search. Note that indices can only be created for fields for which an
/// exact match is used in the condition. For range searches, an index isn't used and the enrichment table
/// drops back to a sequential scan of the data. A sequential scan shouldn't impact performance
/// significantly provided that there are only a few possible rows returned by the exact matches in the
/// condition. We don't recommend using a condition that uses only date range searches.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
#[serde(tag = "type", rename_all = "snake_case")]
#[configurable(metadata(docs::enum_tag_description = "enrichment table type"))]
pub enum EnrichmentTables {
/// Exposes data from a static file as an enrichment table.
/// Exposes data from a memory cache as an enrichment table. The cache can be written to using
/// a sink.
#[cfg(feature = "enrichment-tables-memory")]
/// Exposes data from a [MaxMind][maxmind] [GeoIP2][geoip2] database as an enrichment table.
/// [maxmind]:
/// [geoip2]:
#[cfg(feature = "enrichment-tables-geoip")]
/// Exposes data from a [MaxMind][maxmind] database as an enrichment table.
/// [maxmind]:
#[cfg(feature = "enrichment-tables-mmdb")]
impl GenerateConfig for EnrichmentTables {
fn generate_config() -> toml::Value {
toml::Value::try_from(Self::File(file::FileConfig {
file: file::FileSettings {
path: "path/to/file".into(),
encoding: file::Encoding::default(),
schema: Default::default(),