bucket.rsuse std::collections::BTreeMap;
use prost::Message;
use super::{
aggregation::{AggregationKey, PayloadAggregationKey},
ddsketch_full, ClientGroupedStats, ClientStatsBucket,
use crate::{event::ObjectMap, event::Value, metrics::AgentDDSketch};
pub(crate) struct GroupedStats {
hits: f64,
top_level_hits: f64,
errors: f64,
duration: f64,
ok_distribution: AgentDDSketch,
err_distribution: AgentDDSketch,
impl GroupedStats {
fn new() -> Self {
GroupedStats {
hits: 0.0,
top_level_hits: 0.0,
errors: 0.0,
duration: 0.0,
ok_distribution: AgentDDSketch::with_agent_defaults(),
err_distribution: AgentDDSketch::with_agent_defaults(),
fn export(&self, key: &AggregationKey) -> ClientGroupedStats {
ClientGroupedStats {
service: key.bucket_key.service.clone(),
resource: key.bucket_key.resource.clone(),
http_status_code: key.bucket_key.status_code,
r#type: key.bucket_key.ty.clone(),
db_type: "".to_string(),
hits: self.hits.round() as u64,
errors: self.errors.round() as u64,
duration: self.duration.round() as u64,
ok_summary: encode_sketch(&self.ok_distribution),
error_summary: encode_sketch(&self.err_distribution),
synthetics: key.bucket_key.synthetics,
top_level_hits: self.top_level_hits.round() as u64,
fn encode_sketch(agent_sketch: &AgentDDSketch) -> Vec<u8> {
let index_mapping = ddsketch_full::IndexMapping {
gamma: agent_sketch.gamma(),
index_offset: agent_sketch.bin_index_offset() as f64,
interpolation: ddsketch_full::index_mapping::Interpolation::None as i32,
let (positives, negatives, zeroes) = convert_stores(agent_sketch);
let positives_store = ddsketch_full::Store {
bin_counts: positives,
contiguous_bin_counts: Vec::new(), contiguous_bin_index_offset: 0, };
let negatives_store = ddsketch_full::Store {
bin_counts: negatives,
contiguous_bin_counts: Vec::new(), contiguous_bin_index_offset: 0, };
ddsketch_full::DdSketch {
mapping: Some(index_mapping),
positive_values: Some(positives_store),
negative_values: Some(negatives_store),
zero_count: zeroes,
fn convert_stores(agent_sketch: &AgentDDSketch) -> (BTreeMap<i32, f64>, BTreeMap<i32, f64>, f64) {
let mut positives = BTreeMap::<i32, f64>::new();
let mut negatives = BTreeMap::<i32, f64>::new();
let mut zeroes = 0.0;
let bin_map = agent_sketch.bin_map();
.for_each(|(k, n)| {
match k.signum() {
0 => zeroes = n as f64,
1 => {
positives.insert(k as i32, n as f64);
-1 => {
negatives.insert((-k) as i32, n as f64);
_ => {}
(positives, negatives, zeroes)
pub(crate) struct Bucket {
pub(crate) start: u64,
pub(crate) duration: u64,
pub(crate) data: BTreeMap<AggregationKey, GroupedStats>,
impl Bucket {
pub(crate) fn export(&self) -> BTreeMap<PayloadAggregationKey, ClientStatsBucket> {
let mut m = BTreeMap::<PayloadAggregationKey, ClientStatsBucket>::new();|(k, v)| {
let b = v.export(k);
match m.get_mut(&k.payload_key) {
None => {
let sb = ClientStatsBucket {
start: self.start,
duration: self.duration,
agent_time_shift: 0,
stats: vec![b],
m.insert(k.payload_key.clone(), sb);
Some(s) => {
pub(crate) fn add(
&mut self,
span: &ObjectMap,
weight: f64,
is_top: bool,
aggkey: AggregationKey,
) {
match {
Some(gs) => Bucket::update(span, weight, is_top, gs),
None => {
let mut gs = GroupedStats::new();
Bucket::update(span, weight, is_top, &mut gs);, gs);
fn update(span: &ObjectMap, weight: f64, is_top: bool, gs: &mut GroupedStats) {
is_top.then(|| {
gs.top_level_hits += weight;
gs.hits += weight;
let error = match span.get("error") {
Some(Value::Integer(val)) => *val,
None => 0,
_ => panic!("`error` should be an i64"),
if error != 0 {
gs.errors += weight;
let duration = match span.get("duration") {
Some(Value::Integer(val)) => *val,
None => 0,
_ => panic!("`duration` should be an i64"),
gs.duration += (duration as f64) * weight;
if error != 0 {
gs.err_distribution.insert(duration as f64)
} else {
gs.ok_distribution.insert(duration as f64)