//! The Datadog Traces [`vector_lib::sink::VectorSink`]
//! This module contains the [`vector_lib::sink::VectorSink`] instance responsible for taking
//! a stream of [`vector_lib::event::Event`], partition them following the right directions and
//! sending them to the Datadog Trace intake.
//! This module use the same protocol as the official Datadog trace-agent to
//! submit traces to the Datadog intake.
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "datadog-traces-integration-tests"))]
mod integration_tests;
mod tests;
pub(crate) mod apm_stats;
mod config;
mod request_builder;
mod service;
mod sink;
#[allow(warnings, clippy::pedantic, clippy::nursery)]
pub(crate) mod ddsketch_full {
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/ddsketch_full.rs"));
pub(crate) mod dd_proto {
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/dd_trace.rs"));
pub use self::config::DatadogTracesConfig;