//! Loki sink
//! This sink provides downstream support for `Loki` via
//! the (configurable) `/loki/api/v1/push` endpoint.
//! <>
//! This sink uses `PartitionBatching` to partition events
//! by streams. There must be at least one valid set of labels.
//! If an event produces no labels, this can happen if the template
//! does not match, we will add a default label `{agent="vector"}`.
mod config;
mod event;
mod healthcheck;
#[cfg(feature = "loki-integration-tests")]
mod integration_tests;
mod service;
mod sink;
mod tests;
#[cfg(feature = "loki-benches")]
pub use self::config::valid_label_name;
pub use self::config::{LokiConfig, OutOfOrderAction};