use vector_lib::event::Metric;
use vector_lib::stream::batcher::limiter::ItemBatchSize;
// This accounts for the separators, the metric type string, the length of the value itself. It can
// never be too small, as the above values will always take at least 4 bytes.
const EST_OVERHEAD_LEN: usize = 4;
pub(super) struct StatsdBatchSizer;
impl ItemBatchSize<Metric> for StatsdBatchSizer {
fn size(&self, item: &Metric) -> usize {
// Metric name.
// Metric namespace, with an additional 1 to account for the namespace separator.
+ item.series().name().namespace().map(|s| s.len() + 1).unwrap_or(0)
// Metric tags, with an additional 1 per tag to account for the tag key/value separator.
+ item.series().tags().map(|t| {
t.iter_all().map(|(k, v)| {
k.len() + 1 +|v| v.len()).unwrap_or(0)
// Estimated overhead (separators, metric value, etc)