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//! Top subcommand
mod cmd;
mod dashboard;
mod events;
mod metrics;
mod state;
use clap::Parser;
pub use cmd::cmd;
pub use cmd::top;
pub use dashboard::is_tty;
use url::Url;
use crate::config::api::default_graphql_url;
/// Top options
#[derive(Parser, Debug, Clone)]
#[command(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub struct Opts {
/// Interval to sample metrics at, in milliseconds
#[arg(default_value = "1000", short = 'i', long)]
interval: u32,
/// GraphQL API server endpoint
#[arg(short, long)]
url: Option<Url>,
/// Humanize metrics, using numeric suffixes - e.g. 1,100 = 1.10 k, 1,000,000 = 1.00 M
#[arg(short = 'H', long, default_value_t = true)]
human_metrics: bool,
/// Whether to reconnect if the underlying API connection drops.
/// By default, top will attempt to reconnect if the connection drops.
#[arg(short, long)]
no_reconnect: bool,
impl Opts {
/// Use the provided URL as the Vector GraphQL API server, or default to the local port
/// provided by the API config.
pub fn url(&self) -> Url {
/// URL with scheme set to WebSockets
pub fn web_socket_url(&self) -> Url {
let mut url = self.url();
url.set_scheme(match url.scheme() {
"https" => "wss",
_ => "ws",
.expect("Couldn't build WebSocket URL. Please report.");