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use std::{cmp, num::NonZeroUsize, pin::Pin};
use futures::{
task::{Context, Poll},
{Stream, StreamExt},
use crate::event::{EventArray, EventContainer};
const ARRAY_BUFFER_DEFAULT_SIZE: usize = 16;
/// A stream combinator aimed at improving the performance of event streams under load.
/// This is similar in spirit to `StreamExt::ready_chunks`, but built specifically `EventArray`.
/// The more general `FoldReady` is left as an exercise to the reader.
pub struct ReadyArrays<T> {
inner: T,
/// Storage for ready `EventArray` instances. The size of `enqueued` is
/// distinct from the `enqueued_size` field. While that field is in units of
/// `Event`s this field is in units of `EventArray`. In the worst case where
/// all `EventArray`s from the inner stream contain only a single `Event`
/// the size of `enqueued` will grow to `enqueued_limit`.
enqueued: Vec<EventArray>,
/// Distinct from `enqueued.len()`, counts the number of total `Event`
/// instances in all sub-arrays.
enqueued_size: usize,
/// Limit for the total number of `Event` instances, soft.
enqueued_limit: usize,
impl<T> ReadyArrays<T>
T: Stream<Item = EventArray> + Unpin,
/// Create a new `ReadyArrays` with a specified capacity.
/// The specified capacity is on the total number of `Event` instances
/// enqueued here at one time. This is a soft limit. Chunks may be returned
/// that contain more than that number of items.
pub fn with_capacity(inner: T, capacity: NonZeroUsize) -> Self {
Self {
enqueued: Vec::with_capacity(ARRAY_BUFFER_DEFAULT_SIZE),
enqueued_size: 0,
enqueued_limit: capacity.get(),
fn flush(&mut self) -> Vec<EventArray> {
// Size the next `enqueued` to the maximum of ARRAY_BUFFER_DEFAULT_SIZE
// or the current length of `self.enqueued`. This means, in practice,
// that we will always allocate at least the base size but possibly up
// to `enqueued_limit` if the underlying stream passes singleton
// EventArrays.
let mut enqueued =
Vec::with_capacity(cmp::max(self.enqueued.len(), ARRAY_BUFFER_DEFAULT_SIZE));
std::mem::swap(&mut enqueued, &mut self.enqueued);
self.enqueued_size = 0;
impl<T> Stream for ReadyArrays<T>
T: Stream<Item = EventArray> + Unpin,
type Item = Vec<EventArray>;
fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
loop {
match self.inner.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
Poll::Ready(Some(array)) => {
self.enqueued_size += array.len();
// NOTE pushing and then checking sizes here is what gives
// this struct a 'soft' limit guarantee. If we had a stash
// field we could make a hard limit, at the expense of
// sending undersized `Item`s. Slightly too big is fine.
if self.enqueued_size >= self.enqueued_limit {
return Poll::Ready(Some(self.flush()));
Poll::Ready(None) => {
// When the inner stream is empty flush everything we've got
// enqueued here. Next time we're polled we'll signal that
// we're complete too.
return Poll::Ready((!self.enqueued.is_empty()).then(|| self.flush()));
Poll::Pending => {
// When the inner stream signals pending flush everything
// we've got enqueued here. Next time we're polled we'll
// signal pending.
if !self.enqueued.is_empty() {
return Poll::Ready(Some(self.flush()));
} else {
return Poll::Pending;