
Module event




  • A batch notifier contains the status of the current batch along with a one-shot notifier to send that status back to the source. It is shared among all events of a batch.
  • A convenience newtype wrapper for the one-shot receiver for an individual batch status.
  • Metric Origin metadata for submission to Datadog.
  • An event finalizer is the shared data required to handle tracking the status of an event, and updating the status of a batch with that when the event is dropped.
  • A collection of event finalizers.
  • The event metadata structure is a Arc wrapper around the actual metadata to avoid cloning the underlying data until it becomes necessary to provide a mut copy.
  • The key type value. This is a simple zero-overhead wrapper set up to make it explicit that object keys are read-only and their underlying type is opaque and may change for efficiency.
  • A metric.
  • Tags for a metric series.
  • Traces are a newtype of LogEvent
  • This is a simple wrapper to allow attaching EventMetadata to any other type. This is primarily used in conversion functions, such as impl From<X> for WithMetadata<Y>.


  • The status of an individual batch.
  • An array of one of the Event variants exclusively.
  • A wrapper for mutable references to inner event types, where reconstituting a full Event from a LogEvent or Metric might be inconvenient.
  • A wrapper for references to inner event types, where reconstituting a full Event from a LogEvent or Metric might be inconvenient.
  • The status of an individual event.
  • Metric kind.
  • Metric value. Container for the actual value of a metric.
  • Type of statistics to generate for a distribution.
  • The main value type used in Vector events, and VRL.
  • An adapter to turn Events into vrl_lib::Targets.



  • Return the estimated size of a type in bytes when encoded as JSON.
  • The core trait to abstract over any type that may work as an array of events. This is effectively the same as the standard IntoIterator<Item = Event> implementations, but that would conflict with the base implementation for the type aliases below.
  • An object that can be finalized.


Type Aliases§

  • The type alias for an array of LogEvent elements.
  • The type alias for an array of Metric elements.
  • The storage mapping for the Object variant.
  • The type alias for an array of TraceEvent elements.