Trait vector::sinks::util::builder::SinkBuilderExt

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pub trait SinkBuilderExt: Stream {
    // Provided methods
    fn unwrap_infallible<T>(self) -> UnwrapInfallible<Self>
       where Self: Stream<Item = Result<T, Infallible>> + Sized { ... }
    fn batched_partitioned<P, C, F, B>(
        partitioner: P,
        settings: F,
    ) -> PartitionedBatcher<Self, P, ExpirationQueue<P::Key>, C, F, B>
       where Self: Stream<Item = P::Item> + Sized,
             P: Partitioner + Unpin,
             P::Key: Eq + Hash + Clone,
             P::Item: ByteSizeOf,
             C: BatchConfig<P::Item>,
             F: Fn() -> C + Send { ... }
    fn batched<C>(self, config: C) -> Batcher<Self, C>
       where C: BatchConfig<Self::Item>,
             Self: Sized { ... }
    fn concurrent_map<F, T>(
        limit: NonZeroUsize,
        f: F,
    ) -> ConcurrentMap<Self, T>
       where Self: Sized,
             F: Fn(Self::Item) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = T> + Send + 'static>> + Send + 'static,
             T: Send + 'static { ... }
    fn request_builder<B>(
        limit: NonZeroUsize,
        builder: B,
    ) -> ConcurrentMap<Self, Result<B::Request, B::Error>>
       where Self: Sized,
             Self::Item: Send + 'static,
             B: RequestBuilder<<Self as Stream>::Item> + Send + Sync + 'static,
             B::Error: Send,
             B::Request: Send { ... }
    fn incremental_request_builder<B>(
        builder: B,
    ) -> Map<Self, Box<dyn FnMut(Self::Item) -> Vec<Result<B::Request, B::Error>> + Send + Sync>>
       where Self: Sized,
             Self::Item: Send + 'static,
             B: IncrementalRequestBuilder<<Self as Stream>::Item> + Send + Sync + 'static,
             B::Error: Send,
             B::Request: Send { ... }
    fn normalized<N>(self, normalizer: N) -> Normalizer<Self, N>
       where Self: Stream<Item = Metric> + Unpin + Sized,
             N: MetricNormalize { ... }
    fn normalized_with_default<N>(self) -> Normalizer<Self, N>
       where Self: Stream<Item = Metric> + Unpin + Sized,
             N: MetricNormalize + Default { ... }
    fn into_driver<Svc>(self, service: Svc) -> Driver<Self, Svc>
       where Self: Sized,
             Self::Item: Finalizable,
             Svc: Service<Self::Item>,
             Svc::Error: Debug + 'static,
             Svc::Future: Send + 'static,
             Svc::Response: DriverResponse { ... }

Provided Methods§


fn unwrap_infallible<T>(self) -> UnwrapInfallible<Self>
where Self: Stream<Item = Result<T, Infallible>> + Sized,

Converts a stream of infallible results by unwrapping them.

For a stream of Result<T, Infallible> items, this turns it into a stream of T items.


fn batched_partitioned<P, C, F, B>( self, partitioner: P, settings: F, ) -> PartitionedBatcher<Self, P, ExpirationQueue<P::Key>, C, F, B>
where Self: Stream<Item = P::Item> + Sized, P: Partitioner + Unpin, P::Key: Eq + Hash + Clone, P::Item: ByteSizeOf, C: BatchConfig<P::Item>, F: Fn() -> C + Send,

Batches the stream based on the given partitioner and batch settings.

The stream will yield batches of events, with their partition key, when either a batch fills up or times out. Partitioner operates on a per-event basis, and has access to the event itself, and so can access any and all fields of an event.


fn batched<C>(self, config: C) -> Batcher<Self, C>
where C: BatchConfig<Self::Item>, Self: Sized,

Batches the stream based on the given batch settings and item size calculator.

The stream will yield batches of events, when either a batch fills up or times out. The item_size_calculator determines the “size” of each input in a batch. The units of “size” are intentionally not defined, so you can choose whatever is needed.


fn concurrent_map<F, T>( self, limit: NonZeroUsize, f: F, ) -> ConcurrentMap<Self, T>
where Self: Sized, F: Fn(Self::Item) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = T> + Send + 'static>> + Send + 'static, T: Send + 'static,

Maps the items in the stream concurrently, up to the configured limit.

For every item, the given mapper is invoked, and the future that is returned is spawned and awaited concurrently. A limit can be passed: None is self-describing, as it imposes no concurrency limit, and Some(n) limits this stage to n concurrent operations at any given time.

If the spawned future panics, the panic will be carried through and resumed on the task calling the stream.


fn request_builder<B>( self, limit: NonZeroUsize, builder: B, ) -> ConcurrentMap<Self, Result<B::Request, B::Error>>
where Self: Sized, Self::Item: Send + 'static, B: RequestBuilder<<Self as Stream>::Item> + Send + Sync + 'static, B::Error: Send, B::Request: Send,

Constructs a [Stream] which transforms the input into a request suitable for sending to downstream services.

Each input is transformed concurrently, up to the given limit. A limit of n limits this stage to n concurrent operations at any given time.

Encoding and compression are handled internally, deferring to the builder at the necessary checkpoints for adjusting the event before encoding/compression, as well as generating the correct request object with the result of encoding/compressing the events.


fn incremental_request_builder<B>( self, builder: B, ) -> Map<Self, Box<dyn FnMut(Self::Item) -> Vec<Result<B::Request, B::Error>> + Send + Sync>>
where Self: Sized, Self::Item: Send + 'static, B: IncrementalRequestBuilder<<Self as Stream>::Item> + Send + Sync + 'static, B::Error: Send, B::Request: Send,

Constructs a [Stream] which transforms the input into a number of requests suitable for sending to downstream services.

Unlike request_builder, which depends on the RequestBuilder trait, incremental_request_builder depends on the IncrementalRequestBuilder trait, which is designed specifically for sinks that have more stringent requirements around the generated requests.

As an example, the normal request_builder doesn’t allow for a batch of input events to be split up: all events must be split at the beginning, encoded separately (and all together), and then reassembled into the request. If the encoding of these events caused a payload to be generated that was, say, too large, you would have to back out the operation entirely by failing the batch.

With incremental_request_builder, the builder is given all of the events in a single shot, and can generate multiple payloads. This is the maximally flexible approach to encoding, but means that the trait doesn’t provide any default methods like RequestBuilder does.

Each input is transformed serially.

Encoding and compression are handled internally, deferring to the builder at the necessary checkpoints for adjusting the event before encoding/compression, as well as generating the correct request object with the result of encoding/compressing the events.


fn normalized<N>(self, normalizer: N) -> Normalizer<Self, N>
where Self: Stream<Item = Metric> + Unpin + Sized, N: MetricNormalize,

Normalizes a stream of Metric events with the provided normalizer.

An implementation of MetricNormalize is used to either drop metrics which cannot be supported by the sink, or to modify them. Such modifications typically include converting absolute metrics to incremental metrics by tracking the change over time for a particular series, or emitting absolute metrics based on incremental updates.


fn normalized_with_default<N>(self) -> Normalizer<Self, N>
where Self: Stream<Item = Metric> + Unpin + Sized, N: MetricNormalize + Default,

Normalizes a stream of Metric events with a default normalizer.

An implementation of MetricNormalize is used to either drop metrics which cannot be supported by the sink, or to modify them. Such modifications typically include converting absolute metrics to incremental metrics by tracking the change over time for a particular series, or emitting absolute metrics based on incremental updates.


fn into_driver<Svc>(self, service: Svc) -> Driver<Self, Svc>
where Self: Sized, Self::Item: Finalizable, Svc: Service<Self::Item>, Svc::Error: Debug + 'static, Svc::Future: Send + 'static, Svc::Response: DriverResponse,

Creates a Driver that uses the configured event stream as the input to the given service.

This is typically a terminal step in building a sink, bridging the gap from the processing that must be performed by Vector (in the stream) to the underlying sink itself (the service).



impl<T> SinkBuilderExt for T
where T: Stream + ?Sized,